He is a veteran of countless political campaigns. yǐ jīng yǒu wú shù shū jí xiě guò zhè ge zhǔ tí 已经有无数书籍写过这个主题。 Innumerable books have been written on the subject. synonym zhòng duō众多duō shù多数 antonym ...
antonym hún浑zhuó浊 2 adj.distinct; clarified; lucid yào fēn qīng shì fēi duì cuò 要分清是非对错。 Make a clear distinction between right and wrong. tiān shàng de xīng xing shǔ bù qīng 天上的星星数不清。 There are countless stars in the sky. ...
The first is L1 (first language) acquisition, which every normal child manages at an early age. The second is FL (foreign language) acquisition where someone, a child or an adult, picks up a language, for example, while they are living in a target language country. Chomsky"s ideas ...
His Eagle Bearing Wealth is an eight-foot tall column of Douglas fir carved and painted to resemble a totem pole traditional among Indians of the Northwest Coast. It stands on the campus of North Seattle Community College in Seattle, Washington. Countless other ethnic groups have left, and ...
How can you prove that the earth is round? synonym zhèng shí证实yàn zhèng验证yìn zhèng印证zhèng yàn证验 antonym tuī fān推翻 Word usage common measure word "证明" is often matched with measure word "个"or"份". 一个证明 one certificate ...