Constrain is an action of limiting or restricting, while restriction is the condition of being limited or restricted. The former is a verb, the latter a noun. 13 What is the antonym of constrain? The antonym of constrain is liberate or free. 10 What is the nearest meaning of constraint?
That old compass she traded her knife for is worthless. tā de chéng nuò yī qián bù zhí 他的承诺一钱不值。 His promise isn't worth a damn. tā men de jiàn yì yī qián bù zhí 他们的建议一钱不值。 Their proposals are all worthless....
25. temporary:a.lastingonly for a limited period of time Synonym: transient, momentary, impermanent Antonym: permanent, everlasting, eternal Derivation: temporarinessn. temporarilyad. Sentences 3. to hell with her (Paragraph 6) Explanation: “To hell with” is acurse. Here the author is cursing...