What is an Agnostic ?Russell, Bertrand
doesanagnosticconsiderasin? TheAgnosticisnotquitesocertainassomeChristiansareastowhatisgoodandwhatis evil.Hedoesnothold,asmostChristiansinthepastheld,thatpeoplewhodisagreewith thegovernmentonabstrusepointsoftheologyoughttosufferapainfuldeath.Heis againstpersecution,andrathercharyofmoralcondemnation. Asfor`sin',heth...
The wordagnosticcomes from the Greeka-, meaningwithout, andgnōsis,meaningknowledge. In IT, that translates to the ability of something to function without "knowing" or requiring anything from the underlying details of the system it is working within. As with interoperability, agnosticism is typical...
If you put it that way, I’m an agnostic too. I might even have to be an agnostic about my own existence—maybe I am just something out of the movie,The Matrix,or I’m a character in someone’s dream. What if the whole universe is just a video game and God is just a 12-year...
What is device-agnostic (device agnosticism)? Device agnosticism, or device-agnostic, is the capacity of a computing component to work with various systems without requiring any particular adaptations. The term can apply to either hardware or software. In an IT context,agnosticismrefers to anything...
这种形式、地点以及程序确实是怪异的,尽管我并不因此感到惊奇——要知道,弗里施是一个不可知论者(agnostic),他拒绝着所有权威形式的宗教信仰,而今他选择这样的地点来完成他显然会感到不自在的无神论者般的埋葬仪式,无疑向公众说明:如此一个智慧的现代却在如何告别每一个生命的死亡时刻面前(rite de passage),失了智...
A tech-agnostic approach is one of the core tenets of composable architecture, championing the freedom of engineering to create solutions that fully meet business and customer requirements. In this article, we explore the what, why and how tech agnosticism is an inherent part of a composable futu...
is a language agnostic interface that enables you to create HTTP requests and authorization headers to translate documents. The client-library SDKs are language-specific classes, objects, methods, and code that you can quickly use by adding a reference in your project. Currently Document Translation...
DiagnosticTest: used to identify test takers' strengthes and weaknesses, by testing whatthey know or do not know in a language ,or what skills they have or do nothave. Information obtained from such tests is useful at the beginning of the alanguage course,for example, for placement purposes...
Cost optimizationis a primary tenet of a cloud-agnostic architecture. As pricing models change between cloud providers, cloud-agnostic applications can be migrated easily to run in the cloud platform that delivers the best cost savings. Avoiding vendor lock-inensures that companies are not subject ...