See Also in Chinese 亚洲 noun Yàzhōu Asia 人 noun Rén people, person, man, human being, personality 亚洲人的 adjective Yàzhōu rén de Asian, Asiatic 亚 adjective Yà Asia, inferior, second 洲 noun Zhōu Chau, continent, island Similar Words 中文 noun Zhōngwén Chinese ...
See Also in Chinese 搜 verb Sōu search, search out, conduct a search 肠 noun, adjective Cháng intestinal, intestine, bowel 枯 adjective Kū withered, dull, uninteresting, bone-dry 索 noun, adjective, verb Suǒ cable, search, demand, ask, large rope See Also in English...
Afrikaans. English. dien. attend; be in service; follow; serve; serving; subserve; suit.Cuba's Saint Lazarus Festival: The Ultimate Test of Faith35 related questions found Is Dein a word? No, dein is not in the scrabble dictionary. What does down mean? 1a(1) : toward or in a ...
Latin isthe language which the ancient Romans used to speak. 2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Latin countries are countries where Spanish, or perhaps Portuguese, Italian, or French, is spoken. You can also use Latin to refer to things and people that come from these countries. What is ...
What type of word is barking? As detailed above, 'barking' can bean adjective, a verb, a noun or a proper noun. Adjective usage: barking dogs. ... Noun usage: Loud barking could be heard from the dog pound. What does it mean if someone barks at you?