See Also in Chinese 亚洲 noun Yàzhōu Asia 人 noun Rén people, person, man, human being, personality 亚洲人的 adjective Yàzhōu rén de Asian, Asiatic 亚 adjective Yà Asia, inferior, second 洲 noun Zhōu Chau, continent, island Similar Words 中文 noun Zhōngwén Chinese ...
Sōusearch,search out,conduct a search 肠noun, adjective Chángintestinal,intestine,bowel 枯adjective Kūwithered,dull,uninteresting,bone-dry 索noun, adjective, verb Suǒcable,search,demand,ask,large rope See Also in English searchnoun, verb
Woofis the conventional representation in the English language of the barking of a dog. ... English – woof, woof; ruff, ruff; arf, arf (large dogs and also the sound of sea lions); yap, yap; yip, yip (small dogs), bow wow. Afrikaans – blaf, blaf; woef, woef; keff, keff (s...
* Most of the colored community speaks Afrikaans, whereas languages like Xhosa or Venda are typically spoken by blacks and English is spoken mostly by whites. (chiefly, historical) Designated for use by colored people (in either the US or South African sense). a black''' drinking fountain''...
royal adjective 王室的 respect verb 尊重, 关于, 遵守, 尊敬, 敬 Find more words! 钦 find it See Also in Chinese 令人钦佩 adjective Lìng rén qīnpèi impressive, admirable 钦慕 verb Qīnmù admire, respect 钦佩 noun, verb Qīnpèi admiration, admire, esteem 钦差 noun Qīnchāi...