So if a student has the right GPA and a 518-plus, usually we're not going to advise on a retake. Whereas, if the MCAT score is lower, say below the matriculate median ... we may want to consider retaking. But again, there's a lot of nuance."Here's a look at the 12 schools...
Why the MCAT Is Harder Than a Typical College Exam. Per the most recentdatafrom AAMC, the chart below reflects percentile rankings based on MCAT results from the 2020, 2021 and 2022 testing years. Percentiles change slightly every year based on the scores of test-takers. What's a Great MCA...
The MCAT is a standardized exam that is administered to people who want to attend medical school in the US. The questions on the...
The last MCAT section, Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills, or CARS, is a unique part of the exam in that it is a test of reading comprehension and critical thinking. Passages on topics within the social sciences and humanities are presented. Then, a series of questions asks you to reaso...
Before you begin embarking on the answer to the question, ‘what is a good MCAT score?’, it’d behoove you to consider the following. •What is your GPA, level of extracurricular activity and statement-writing ability like?Although the MCAT tends to be a defining factor for medical schoo...
The MCAT is a nearly 7.5-hour exam; so, it should come as no surprise that there is much content to cover. This exam is designed to test you on the abilities that will make you a successful first-year medical student. So, it’s not just about the in-depth knowledge of science. ...
The MCAT is an important part of your medical school application. Discover everything you need to know about the MCAT Test, including what is the MCAT, what is a good MCAT score, MCAT test dates, and a breakdown of the topics tested on the MCAT exam.
With a maximum score of 528, what is a good MCAT score? While “good” is subjective, it really does depend on your goals and what kind of medical school you are trying to attend. Typically, a good score is about one standard deviation or so above the average. ...
By Burton on September 25, 2024 in MCAT ScoresWhat’s a good MCAT score? is a complex question, but for most test-takers, a good MCAT score is 127-132 per section, or around 508 overall. Top medical schools report an average MCAT score range of 515-520, in the 90th percentile or ...
What is the MCAT test? Who can take the MCAT exam? Get answers from this unique guide plus resources to help you stay on track.