Today, the copper in a typical 1961 penny is worth about2x the coin's face value. How much they're worth: All 1961 pennies with no mint mark (including the worn ones) are worth about 2 cents each. Higher-quality 1961 pennies (including the ones that look new) are worth around 10 to...
Today, the value of money (not just the dollar, but most currencies) is decided purely by itspurchasing power, as dictated by inflation. That is why simply printing new money will not create wealth for a country. Money is created by a kind of a perpetual interaction between real, tangible...
short-term capital gainstax applies. The short-term rate is determined by the taxpayer'sordinary incomebracket. For all but the highest-paid taxpayers, that is a higher tax rate than the capital gains rate
Still, platinum is mostly quoted in US dollars as a result of the dollar being the world reserve currency. Platinum Bulion Dealers Bullion dealers tend to have fewer platinum products in comparison to metals like gold or silver, but they’re around. We’ve reviewed the following bullion dealers...
I think crypto will just start to have a really big impact on economic freedom. “That’s kind of what we believe is going to happen. That’s the mission of Coinbase. And the market will recognize us for the long-term and thoughtful approach that we’ve made around complia...
dollar to the value of gold. However, 1971 saw the end of the gold standard in the U.S. when President Richard Nixon abandoned the monetary system as a response to widespread inflation, a ballooning trade deficit and the increasing cost of the Vietnam War. Foreign countries began to ...
Oil, it’s in a down trend selling off hard with the US dollar which is not normal. If we see the US dollar bounce I figure oil will take another beating… It could drop to $62 a barrel over the next month or so… SP500 is WAY oversold, and has been for about a week now. ...
This is What a REAL Silver Dollar Looks LikeIf you trust in the yen, the euro, and the dollar... stop reading. Because this is a story about the silver coin EVERYBODY wants.You read the headlines. You know that troubled economic times have put global cur
This is What a REAL Silver Dollar Looks Like If you trust in the yen, the euro, and the dollar…stop reading. Because this is a story about the silver coin EVERYBODY wants. You read the headlines.You know that troubled economic times have put global currency on a rollercoaster(ride.But...
Krugman discusses this in his most recent post,Rage Against the Coin. Some say it wouldsink the dollar. Others (hilariously) say it would sink aship! The best way to track the rage is by following the hash tag #MintTheCoin on Twitter. It offers great insight into the nature of the fe...