The expression of “life itself” has been used by a number of prominent scholars including Nikolas Rose (2007). I find it striking how it remains strangely vague and somehow at odds with a focus among the same scholars on socio-material coproduction (Is “life itself” somehow distinct from...
TheAI Hub Gateway Landing Zone is a solution acceleratorthat addresses these challenges by providing a centralized architecture for managing AI services within an organization. It serves as a single point of entry for AI services, enabling consistent management and governance. ...
Dali is a beautiful place, has the unique natural landscape, also is the world historical city, the Dali institute is in a scenery university, welcome fellow leaders, teacher, to visit schoolmates to our school, exchange, study![translate] ...
And in the middle of the ellipse is a brass plate that has been silvered, with two movable “hands” that are used to mark the numerical readings on the plate. What is it? A hint: it was meant to fit in your hand. In fact, this instrument was one of the earliest to be used in...
The workplace is an important context for belonging research, with many people spending a substantial amount of their lives at work (Barton,Citation2023; Thissen et al.,Citation2023). Research shows several benefits associated with employees feeling a strong sense of belonging to their workplace, ...
It is simple to use and available at a low-cost, although the mucosal protrusion created by the submucosal injection of NS is only maintained for a short period of time. While this may not be a problem when removing small lesions, the need for repeated injections can increase procedure time...
Function of CREB as a mediator of carcinogenesis: a general dogma Under physiological conditions, CREB is expressed in all nucleated cells. Its expression is essential for major cellular functions, as CREB knockout mice exhibit embryonal and neuronal deficits and h...
"exchange":"Exchange","a-i":"AI and Machine Learning","io-t":"Internet of Things (IoT)","outlook":"Outlook","external-link":"Community Hubs","communities":"Products"},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-components/community/NavbarHamburgerDropdown-173711...
Coming soon, in FOCUS 1.1, you’ll also see a new ServiceSubcategory that breaks ServiceCategory down to the next level. As an example, Compute is broken down into Virtual Machines, Containers, Serverless Compute, and more. Databases are broken down into Relational Databases, NoSQL Databa...