The Pareto Analysis is a statistical analysis used in business decision making that identifies a certain number of input factors that have the greatest impact on income. It is based on the similarly named Pareto Principle, which states that 80% of the effect of something can be attributed to j...
Duplex, or double-sided printing, is a printing technique that allows the printer to print on both sides of the paper. Many of thetop-rated printerssupport the feature, and it is a great way to save on paper usage. Let’s face it, office supplies are not getting any cheaper, and depe...
- It is possible to etch text or picture/logo in the copper pour. - Anchor point + Left-Center-Right, Top-Center-Bottom alignment is used for text, markings, pictures and while editing shapes. - Cut the right angle of the shape option. - New Component marking system in Schematic and P...
The Platform Canvas is a framework proposed by Marcel Allweins, Markus Proesch and Ted Ladd, leaned on Osterwalder and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas. Other than the Business Model Canvas which focuses on traditional businesses, the Platform Canvas is
Strength training is also important for injury-proofing the body and building resiliency to take on more miles. Because running is a unilateral movement (each side is working on its own as you move from one leg to the other), it’s important to incorporate single-sided exercises, such as ...
Picture hangers are also great for installing large wall mirrors. These hangers include special hook devices that can securely hold the mirror into place. The hook is installed with either a screw or nail, which is drilled into the drywall. The shape of the hanger uses a leveraged triangle de...
digital platforms are viewed as a facilitator of IoT-based BMI by directly connecting multiple stakeholders that previously relied more on peer-to-peer data exchange. Further, so-called multi-sided platforms enable the integration of various groups of providers and customers, such as connecting both...
Diamond Microfinishing Film Microfinishing Film is also called Electrostatic Sand Planting Film. Diamond Microfinishing Film securely anchors micron-graded diamond grains to polyester film backing. Premium, heat-treated micron sized paticles, precision coating...
Blitzscaling is a business concept and a book written by Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn Co-founder) and Chris Yeh. At its core, the concept of Blitzscaling is about growing at a rate that is so much faster than your competitors, that make you feel uncomfortable.
Many of his views, including those on the legal status of women and the issue of slavery, were progressive for his time. He was a co-founder of the first women's suffragist society and sided with the Union during the U.S. Civil War.1 ...