I have been building a Rc airplane (Ft mustang) with following specification: ESC 30A Emax 1200kv motor Servo 9g what is the best 3s battery and the charger for these? Sign up now to remove ads between posts Feb 15, 2016, 07:20 AM #2 Smoggie Smoggie www.scotiarc.co.uk - OMP...
S-76 飞机正常使用灭火系统时,当 1 号发动机进行灭火操作,2 号发动机工作正常,如在灭火 选择开关上选择主位(MAIN),则会使用哪一个灭火瓶进行灭火:
What Servo do you Recommend for Medium Size Models ? Lest I keep Hi-Jacking threads, thought I would start one specifically for my question. I have about 20 or so of the the HXT 9g servos from UH / HC. I am about to order a Hand Full more (no pun intended). I fly them in...
Like when the low priced but reliable 9g servos started to appear, I bought 25 on sale for 1.99 ea... Latest blog entry: What models have I flown over the...May 30, 2018, 03:24 PM #6 Rhea Recreational Model Plane Pilot Too many Too many. Last edited by Rhea; May 30,...
I can stand getting a better camera later on, or some new servos and the like. But if I have to completely by a new Video Rx/Tx system because what I got couldn't "grow" with my needs, then I didn't get it right the first time. Thats what I'm trying to d...