Using a calculator, if you typed in 816 divided by 916, you'd get 0.8908. You could also express 816/916 as a mixed fraction: 0 816/916 If you look at the mixed fraction 0 816/916, you'll see that the numerator is the same as the remainder (816), the denominator is our origina...
147 divided by 295 step-by-step guide Step 1 The first step is to set up our division problem with the divisor on the left side and the dividend on the right side, like we have it below: Step 2 We can work out that the divisor (295) goes into the first digit of the dividend (...
What is 115% of these numbers? 115% of 1= 1.15115% of 131= 150.65115% of 261 = 300.15115% of 391 = 449.65 115% of 2= 2.30115% of 132= 151.80115% of 262 = 301.30115% of 392 = 450.80 115% of 3= 3.45115% of 133= 152.95115% of 263 = 302.45115% of 393 = 451.95 ...
What is 680% of these numbers? 680% of 1 = 6.80680% of 131 = 890.80680% of 261 = 1,774.80680% of 391 = 2,658.80 680% of 2 = 13.60680% of 132 = 897.60680% of 262 = 1,781.60680% of 392 = 2,665.60 680% of 3 = 20.40680% of 133 = 904.40680% of 263 = 1,788.40680% of...
and raising 2two to the power of that number. In the above example this is 2^4, or 16. This is called the “block size,” because it refers to the size of the subnet blocks into which the network has been divided. You can use this block size to count up from zero to determine ...
divided into two subcategorise: identity and stereotype. Gender identity is the concept that your sex and gender do not have to be the same but can different, i.e. a male at birth can identify as a female. These notions of acceptable behaviour set by society create gender stereotypes for ...
Elastance is the reciprocal of compliance (which is calculated by ∆volume divided by ∆pressure) and describes the elastic recoil pressures of the respiratory system. In an actively breathing patient, the muscular pressure (Pmus) needs to be added to the Pventilator (Ptotal = Pventilator...
Nevertheless, the “Era of Good feelings” was badly damaged by Americans’ torn feelings of sectional controversy over Missouri (North vs. South). 859 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Civil War Dbq Essay At the time, the United States contained twenty-two states, evenly divided between ...
22K Negative numbers, all numbers lower than zero written with a negative sign '-' (-3, -4, -5, etc), can be multiplied and divided much like positive numbers. Use the examples provided to master applying multiplication and division to negative numbers. Related...
Step 8 Next, we will subtract the result from the previous step from the third digit of the dividend (45 - 0 = 45) and write that answer below: 00 78945 -0 45 -0 45 So, what is the answer to 45 divided by 789? If you made it this far into the tutorial, well done! There ...