Outriders is offering an impressive amount of content with its free demo, allowing you to experiment with every class in the game and sample a handful of levels.The demo will give you access to the game's prologue and opening chapter, which upon completion,opens up more side content to comp...
Some ppl only play in rooms Some ppl will do whatever It seems like most of the ppl who've responded to this thread so far are PST, that would explain why I miss all the action. I get off line 8:00 EST, which is only 5:00 PST (i think). It would be nice to have a visual...
All game servers are physically located in the USA, but their location and time zone differs, time zones being PST, EST, or CST (Luda only). Luda is a non-PK server, meaning you can't get attacked in the open world or Cloud Crater, while s...
That s 2-8 PM EST (3-9 PM EDT), 1-7 PM CST (2-8 PM CDT), 11 AM-5 PM PST (noon-6 PM PDT), and 7 PM-1 AM GMT (aka UT). This allows me one weekday and one weekend day to get things done and have more family time." While the above changes went into effect April...
◆The Special Items within the Special Crates change every 24 hours. This change occurs at 12 midnight GMT, that is 6pm CST/7pm EST. ◆To see what 12 midnight GMT is in your Timezome simply click this link and it will be the first thing that pops up,you won't even need to click...