People Management (704) Search with tags No tags available. Social business is a business that is aimed at addressing a social cause. The investment made by the investors is entirely with a vision of contributing to the social welfare and not profit entirely. The investor may however get back...
Data is collected which compares the risk of the stock vis-a-vis the indices. This data is then converted into a statistical measure called “beta” which is the universal measure of riskiness. Derivatives: Indices are also used as the basis on which derivative contracts are drawn. Since ...
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional gastrointestinal disorder that is characterized by abdominal pain and an altered defecation pattern. It affects between 5 and 20% of the general population and can seriously impact quality of life. The pathophysiology of IBS is rather complex an...
Jerome B. Schneewind,The Invention of Autonomy(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 126–131. None of this is to imply that Pufendorf held that the state of nature was anomic; there were rules of natural and divine law promulgated by adivinesovereign, but it was not the place...
DNA processing is not required for ATM-mediated telomere damage response after TRF2 deletion. Nat. Cell Biol. 7, 712–718 (2005). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Sfeir, A., Kabir, S., van Overbeek, M., Celli, G. B. & de Lange, T. Loss of Rap1 induces telomere recombination in the...
Now, why is this the case? Anyone? Emily. Student: Urn... is it 'cause artists didn't sign their work? I mean, didn't the whole concept of the artist as an individual developed later? In like the 19th century? Professor: Well, you are sort of on the right track. ...
(exertion of muscles, position and movement of joints, vestibular, and tactile information) modalities are discussed. It is concluded that interoceptive accuracy cannot be generalized across modalities; thus, no single modality should be used as the indicator of general interoceptive ability. Moreover,...
create a catalogue of available data that is organized according to the business meanings in the SBVR Vocabulary database; and be the basis for validating the quality of stored data. Message-Based Middleware Architecture SBVR Vocabulary can be used to specify the semantic content, and ensure the ...
It is only a matter of days before the NBA playoffs get underway on April 20, but before that, four teams from each conference will take part in a play-in tournament to become the
What is the ideal connection time at JFK? Before I started flying on a somewhat regular basis, I always overestimated how much time I would need for a connection at JFK. however, now that I know how easy it is, my minimum connection times have been reduced quite significantly. Here’s ...