The first number, 30, is called the dividend. The second number, 695 is called the divisor. What we'll do here is break down each step of the long division process for 30 divided by 695 and explain each of them so you understand exactly what is going on. 30 divided by 695 step-by...
What is 151 Divided by 983 Using Long Division? Extra calculations for you Now you've learned the long division approach to 151 divided by 983, here are a few other ways you might do the calculation: Using a calculator, if you typed in 151 divided by 983, you'd get 0.1536. You could...
7 divided by 0 is undefined. This is because it is absolutely impossible to divide a non-zero number by zero. Division is related to multiplication... Learn more about this topic: Division by Zero | Definition, Property & Examples
70 divided by 6 is equal to 11 with a remainder of 4: 70 / 6 = 11 R.4 You can look at it this way: taking 70 objects and dividing them into groups of... Learn more about this topic: Remainder in Math | Definition, Elements & Examples ...
What is 10,000 divided by 12?Dividing Whole Numbers:When dividing whole numbers, we can use long division to find the quotient and remainder. We can then use the quotient and remainder to give the answer to the division problem in mixed number form....
7 divided by 7 equals 1. 7/7 = 1 In fact, any number divided by itself is always 1. It is easy to figure out why when you remember that division is... Learn more about this topic: Basic Division Facts: Lesson for Kids from ...
例:If s and t are positive integers such that could be theremainder when s is divided by t?(A) 2(B) 4(C) 8(D) 20(E) 459.数字问题s = 64.12 ,which of the followingt例:1001 位数字组成的数,任意相邻的两位数字组成的数能被 17 或 23 整除, 这个 1001 位的数字以 6 开头,则它的...
7When a number is divided by 5,the quotient is 123 and the remainder is 2. What is the number? 2【题目】7 When a number is divided by 5, the quotient is 123 and the remainder is 2.What is the number? 3【题目】5 When a number is divided by 5, the quotient is 123 and the...
1(3)A number is divided by 400,and both its quotient and the remainderare 8.What is the number?(3)A number is divided by 400, and both its quotient and the re mainder are 8.What is the number? 2(2)A number is divided by 400,and both its quotient and the remainder are 8.Wh...