Below is a list of times that the game will release depending on where you live in the world. West coast U.S.: 9am PDT Central U.S.: 11am CDT East coast U.S.: 12pm EDT Brazil: 1pm BRT London: 5pm BST Central Europe: 6pm CEST India: 9:30pm IST Japan: 1am JST (April 19...
Pain control is central to treating chronic pancreatitis. We typically start with mild pain relief like paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If these aren’t effective, we may prescribe stronger medications such as opioids. However, we’re cautious about long-term opioid...
UK – Monday-Friday 9am-6pm GMT US – Monday-Friday 8am-5pm EST Please note that we are closed at weekends. In the event of a medical life-threatening emergency please call: UK – 999 US – 911 In the event of a medical emergency which is not life-threatening please call: UK – 11...
would like to see Britain get in line with many of its trading partners by adopting Central European Time."Most of Europe follows CET, which is one hour ahead of GMT in winter and two hours ahead of GMT in summer - always one hour ahead of the UK," says RoSPA chief executive Tom Mu...
Arizona (excepting the Navajo Nation) has its own Standard Time year 'round: 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), aka Universal Time (UT). I'm in my office and available for consultations Tuesday-Saturday noon-6PM Arizona Time. When everyone else in the US (except Hawaii) is observi...
Below is a list of times that the game will release depending on where you live in the world. West coast U.S.: 9am PDT Central U.S.: 11am CDT East coast U.S.: 12pm EDT Brazil: 1pm BRT London: 5pm BST Central Europe: 6pm CEST ...