This is an excellent POV to use when your story focuses on a single character. In many ways, third person limited is quite similar to first person, even though it involves different pronouns. The drawback with third person limited POV is that you can only follow one character. Showing other...
In literature, the point of view describes the perspective from which the information is being presented. The most common are first person (told from a character's perspective) or third person (told from a non-character narrator's perspective). ...
How on earth do you expect me – or Alex Jones – or anyone else – to stand in the face of the unrelenting power of Zionism and begin to explain it all to people who cannot even understand the basics like the FED, or what a false flag is? As an honest decent person who cares, ...
Probably I'm not the only one being asked and that there may be more questions in the future. I'm always surprised by such questions. If you don't know how to solve a problem and you want to be able to solve it someday, then trying to cheat definitely won't make you such a pe...
You’re a funny person. REPLY ON YOUTUBE ReplyAllison Pell 25th April 2023 at 11:22 pm The issue with 2.5G is the switches… If you poke around, you can get 10GbE for the same or less than 2.5G, especially if you like old Enterprise gear as I do. I can set up 10gig for ...
To go back to stupid BKP quote, why would God do that to a person, make them born gay and then tell them they can never be loved in the only way they feel love, not now and not for eternity? Calling it a problem to be overcome just doesn’t work, b...