3rd degree, the Definitions include: interrogation. 3 sheets to the wind Definitions include: extremely intoxicated 411, the Definitions include: information. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a...
It is not easy to determine which crimes are charged as misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors and felonies in Washington State. One way is to look up an offense in Chapter 9A of the codes (called RCW). For example, looking up Theft and Robbery at RCW 9A.56 gives you the various classifications...
Third Degree Felony Theft in the third degree is classified as a felony and can entail a maximum jail sentence of five years or a probation of up to five years. If the defendant entered a structure where no one was present at the time they entered or remained on the premises, they will...
For example, LinkedIn uses graph databases to tell you whether the users you are interacting with are 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree connections. Recent advances in graph database technology have made it possible to calculate connections that are many steps removed from one another, the equivalent of ...
3rd party (3rd part): managed by a third party, normally it is the advertising companies that manage this type of cookies. Their aim is to control user behaviour on various websites. How the first cookie came about? The first cookie was created by programmer Lou Montulli in 1994, then a...
Identity theft in California is not automaticfelony, the more serious type of crime in California. It's a wobbler offense. That means that the prosecutor can either charge the crime of identity theft as a misdemeanor or a felony. It depends on the circumstances as well as thief's prior cri...
New York is going to be my starting point for this post.In our historical narrative, what became New York City was part of the colony of “New Netherlands,” that was established by the Dutch East India Company in 1621 to capitalize on the North American fur trade....
Every soldier is a leader or is out. Absurd. In the early 1970’s, I was present when our engineer battalion commander had a conversation with the Division Chief of Staff. He was complaining about the new up or out policy. He said; “I’ve got an E5, specialist five, road grader ...
This chapter defends a fourfold heuristic for determining when academic plagiarism has occurred. Drawing from contemporary literature on research integrity, I propose that academic plagiarism has been committed when there is: (1) a non-trivial appropriat
I share it also because suicide is a huge issue that impacts so many others, and I hope my example might be a light of hope, however small it might be. More generally, I have needed a lot of help from my wife, and I got it. Thank you, so much. My parents gave me a middle-...