Текст 4 Наступило 30 января 1884 года. В этот день Ковалевская встала очень рано. Сегодня она должна была читать свою первую лекцию в унив...
I see nothing in the trend line to make me believe war is less likely than it was months ago, and much to make me believe it is more likely. If one believes war is possible or likely, I believe It is in the interest of the Chinese-American community to distance themselves to the gr...
It is responsible for the appearance of seemingly irrelevant behavior.
It is the core component of a bottle formed by blow molding plastic particles melted at high temperature. The working principle of a bottle blowing machine is divided into two main stages: preheating and bottle blowing molding. In the... Read more 27/12/2024 24000BPH Water Combiblock Produtio...
Air separation plant compressors can be divided into various types according to different structures and principles, such as centrifugal compressors, piston compressors, screw compressors and so on. Among them, centrifugal compressors can meet the demand for gas flow and pressure of large-scale air se...
Forging is a commonly used tungsten steel manufacturing method, which mainly improves the mechanical properties of alloy steel by changing the structure and mechanical properties of the steel body. Forging tungsten alloy is usually divided into two methods: cold forging and hot forging. For large and...
thebestproducedin Shaoxing.Thefinishedproductsaredividedintothreegroups, i.e.,B,C,etc..ThosehighqualitycolorHuangLiang,drying, stemthicknessandlengthuniformity,delicious,tender,salty moderate,nohardstem,noimpurities,withthecharacteristics offresh,fragrantandtender,tastemellow.Eatavarietyof methods,havetheeffect...
The required openings were determined by Ove Arup & partners , London. On top of each of the 8 domes are vent openings. The 5 hexagons surrounding the top pentagon were divided into 3 triangles so that each dome has 30 openings operated by remote control. These windows are also covered ...
(,1.1 分)患者,男,23岁,云南瑞丽人,到缅甸某建筑工地务工,第二天因公受伤昏迷,在当地医院抢救治疗时曾输血,一周后送回国继续住院治疗,3日后出现发冷、发热、出汗等症状。经取外周血进行涂片检查发现间日疟原虫环状体。治疗首选药物为
患者男性,51岁,右胁疼痛不适3年余,3年前因与家人生气出现右胁疼痛,反复发作,伴有乏力,饮食减少,面色晦暗, B 超提示:肝硬化。刻下症见:右胁下肿块,质地坚硬,疼痛剧烈,痛处固定,面色黧黑,形体消瘦,精神不振,倦怠乏力,急躁易怒,饮食大减,大便不畅,舌质淡紫,舌苔灰燥,脉弦细数。治宜选用()