我与Sherry疲惫的不知所措,却竟然还信誓旦旦的谈起要买双跑鞋,早上六点约起外出跑步的事情。从住的地方徒步走到Baker Street, 221B的福尔摩斯博物馆漫步也仅仅只需要听两首歌的时间。但直到最后,我们所有的跑步计划也没能完成一天。我想所有人都会把原因归咎于:”良宵苦短,何必自虐?“这句话。 公寓每层分左、...
②根据“It is the end of the 19th century, and Sherlock Holmes the world-famous detective, lives at 221B Baker Street in London.”可知,福尔摩斯位于伦敦贝克街221B的房子被当作博物馆。故填①No;②221B Baker Street in London。 (2)题详解: ①根据“It is the end of the 19th century, and ...
Besides, London is also the destination for many fans of British literature because here they can find Harry Potter Studio and Sherlock’s Museum at 221B Baker Street.Initially, I got to know London and some British culture from novels, movies and documentaries. After graduating from university,...
jockeying for position, climbing lampposts for better views, and rendering blocks of King Street, Toronto’s main downtown drag, impassable. “Denzel must be coming,” a middle-aged male passerby surmises, since this is...
Who lived at 221B Baker Street, London? Who is Sir Henry in The Hound of the Baskervilles? Who are the main characters in the story The Hound of the Baskervilles? Who is L.L. in The Hound of the Baskervilles? Who is the mysterious man in The Hound of the Baskervilles?
Who lived at 221B Baker Street, London? Who was Sherlock's maid in The Speckled Band? Who is the protagonist in The Real Inspector Hound? What was Lord Hertford's job in The Prince and the Pauper? What is Victorian detective fiction?
221B Baker Street: The Master Detective Game ". The Phantom: The Card Game I guess few people know The Phantom and fewer probably remember the movie with Billy Zane. Not to mention that other movie. I wouldn't mind a comeback of that character, be it a movie or tv series. Or actuall...
1.Countries:The countries of the United Kingdom are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Great Britain consists of England, Wales and Scotland. The capital of England and the whole UK is London, the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, the capital of Scotland is Edinburgh and the...
SherlockHolmesandDoctorJohnH.Watsonlivedat221bBakerStreetbetween 1881-1904,accordingtothestorieswrittenbySirArthurConanDoyle. 4 6TheRoyalFamily 7.Neighboringcountries TheUnitedKingdom'sneighboringcountiesareIrelandandFrance.It is liked to France by the Channel Tunnel. 8. Food Traditionally, and for so...
elderly book seller and only reveals himself once he’s finagled his way safely inside 221B Baker Street. We’ve already seen Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock do a bit of character acting (in The Blind Banker and A Scandal in Belgravia) so a disguise-and-reveal is a possibility. We also ...