Cowrie shells were used as a form of money in China by 1200 BCE. Coined money was introduced in the first millennium BCE. King Croesus of Lydia, which is now Turkey, was one of the first to strike and circulate gold coins around 564 BCE. Hence the expression “rich as Croesus.”5 Coi...
Their school lives are now more attractive and interesting, and they enjoy playing football in the playground, as well as singing songs they’ve learnt. The school is now full of laughter and music. Zhang Tian is...
Whatisrelatively new is that more and more countries and their educational institutions haveofficially replacedthe traditional abbreviations AD/BC with CE/BCE. England and Wales introduced the CE/BCE system into the official school curriculum in 2002, and Australia followed in 2011. More and more tex...
The term "nature" may refer to living plants and animals, geological processes, weather, and physics, such as matter and energy. The term is often refers to the "natural environment" or wilderness—wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches, and in general areas that have not been substantially al...
What is happiness 追求幸福是美国人与生俱来被赋予的权利,但是似乎没有人确切地知道怎样到达幸福。这就像是我们有猎物执照却无猎可捕一样。当乔纳森·斯威夫特抨击这种“着迷于被欺骗的状态”,这种成为“白痴中的傻瓜”的快乐感觉时,他也是这样想的。斯威夫特把整个社会看做一个名利场,一片充满虚幻目标的土地。
The concept of branding goes back to 2,700 BCE when ancient Egyptians used to burn their mark (or brand) onto their cattle to differentiate them from other people’s cattle. In fact, even the term brand is derived from the Old Norse word “brandr” meaning ‘to burn’. ...
(c. 1800 - 1200 BCE) Evidence from the Shang oracle bone inscriptions shows that at least by the 14th century BC the Shang Chinese had established the solar year at 365 1/4 days and lunation at 29 1/2 days. In the calendar that the Shang used, the seasons of the year and the pha...
OK. 好的。What time is it now? 现在几点钟?It's 5 o'clock. 现在五点钟。Time to go home, kids. 孩子们,该回家了。What time is it? 几点钟了?It's 6 o'clock. 六点了。It's time for dinner. 该吃晚饭了。Oh...
If the sound is not clear enough after you have performed the operations in step 1, check whether the reverberation in the local environment is excessive (the sound reverberation in glass room, living room, open exhibition hall, and classroom is relatively ...
How strong is the evidence for this?Strong enough that a $200 million industry devoted to brain boosting software (products like Brain Age,MindFit,and Lumosity that supposedly improve your memory function)has sprung up out of nowhere. All“mental fitness”means are keeping your memory intact(ever...