They develop the topic sentence.#They give the reader reasons, examples and more facts about the topic sentence.#They must all be related to the topic sentence.
1935年,美国国会经过的«紧急救援拨款法»赋予总统树立适当行政机构的普遍权利。1950年美国政治学会的一项研讨说明:〝一个有纪律和协调分歧的政党,经过内阁和其他机构把总统和国会联络起来,可以逾越宪法分权而形成的沟壑。〞这反映了事先的美国( )
D.In still air they fall a speed of thirty-two miles per hour. 小题4: How much bigger is the rain drop than a loud droplet? A.200 times bigger B.1,000 times bigger C.100,000 times bigger D.1,000,000 times bigger 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 如何制作自己的在线小题库 > 手机...