Time Zones The current time in popular time zones. Easily compare time zones side by side! Day Morning/Evening Night What time is it in Pacific Time - PST * 周五5:25 What time is it in Eastern Time - EST * 周五8:25 What time is it in Central Time - CST * 周五7:25 What...
On average, the best time to post in Central time is 11 am on Thursday. The Best Time to Post TikTok in Mountain Time Zone The best time to post in Mountain time is Thursday at 10 am. The Best Time to Post TikTok in Pacific Time Zone According to these highly watched videos, the b...
13 hours from now will be6:22 PM, March 27, 2025. In a 24-hour time clock it will be 06:22 and 6:22 AM in 12-hour. The key to understanding this time calculation is understanding thetime zoneand location. For example, 13 hours from now in EST is 2025-03-27 06:22:39.121842-04...
NASAestimates that the sun is a little more than 70% hydrogen. The vast majority of what remains is helium, which hydrogen is converted into during nuclear fusion. Eventually, the sun will turn all of the hydrogen in its core into helium, and it will...
1:01:00-1:11:12:Dan Whitewants to know:Can you talk about the exact moment that you two really clicked as friends – that moment when you realise that someone is fucking ace and that there’s a good chance that you will be in each other’s orbit for a long time?
Frederick, reminds us at Trial Theory that today is also the 112th anniversary of Teddy Roosevelt's "Citizenship In A Republic" speech delivered at the Sorbonne, Paris, France, 23 April, 1910. It is an Ode to Quality long-loved by hard-working full-time lawyers worldwide. Excerpt: ...
73. take one's time to use as much time as is needed; not rush 74. take place to happen or occur 75. take someone's name in vain a. to use a name, esp of God, disrespectfully or irreverently b. jocular to say (someone's) name 76. take something upon oneself to assume the...
I think it says something about the reality of front-line medicine which is timeless and worth repeating here. “I see, I think I understand now – you don’t know what’s wrong.“ He’s got it. He’s here in my evening surgery to find out why the consultant he saw this morning ...
Both the House and Senate convene at noon EST. ___ THE ORDER OF THINGS There will be prayers and pledges of allegiance. In the 435-member House, a roll call will begin on the election of speaker. Rep. Nancy Pelosi is poised to reprise her role in that post, second in line to the...
Also in that church are the remains of St. Boethius, who wrote The Consolation of Philosophy. Liutprand is also buried here. Speaking of relics, I recently acquired 8 beautiful reliquaries for the Tridentine Mass Society of Madison (of which I am still President – in exile). They ...