Ctrl+Shift+N will open a new Notepad window. Ctrl+Shift+S will open the Save as… dialog. Ctrl+W will close the current Notepad window. Notepad can now open and save files with a path that is longer than 260 characters, also known as MAX_PATH. We’ve fixed a bug where Notepad woul...
Below is a screenshot of my drill-down dashboard I did originally in Qlikview and then redid in Tableau 6 to prove that Tableau can do as much drill-down as Qlikview can (using Tableau’s Dashboard Actions): Image above has an interesting “story”: since it was published on this bl...
Ctrl+Shift+N will open a new Notepad window. Ctrl+Shift+S will open the Save as… dialog. Ctrl+W will close the current Notepad window. Notepad can now open and save files with a path that is longer than 260 characters, also known as MAX_PATH. We’ve fixed a bug where Notepad woul...