Using a calculator, if you typed in 253 divided by 888, you'd get 0.2849. You could also express 253/888 as a mixed fraction: 0 253/888 If you look at the mixed fraction 0 253/888, you'll see that the numerator is the same as the remainder (253), the denominator is our origina...
who your friends are whod share this life whos always by my sid whos got the best mos whos nailin paylin whos stalking the moo whos talking to the m who whoactivitiestopreven whoever can that be whoever eats it will whoever said that we whoever says that is whoever violates the whole wo...
(一) + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷ is divided by 除号= is equal to 等于号≠ is not equal to 不等于号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号< ...
What are the Multiples of 10?Multiples of 10 are the numbers that can be divided by 10 without any remainder.To create a list of multiples of 10,We first multiply 10 by 1 to get the first multiple of 10 which is 10, Then we multiply 10 by 2 to get the second multiple of 10 ...
例:If s and t are positive integers such that could be theremainder when s is divided by t?(A) 2(B) 4(C) 8(D) 20(E) 459.数字问题s = 64.12 ,which of the followingt例:1001 位数字组成的数,任意相邻的两位数字组成的数能被 17 或 23 整除, 这个 1001 位的数字以 6 开头,则它的...
For men, benching bodyweight divided by two is a good bench weight for beginners, so a good beginner bench press weight for men would be 100 pounds using this data. Looking at the tables above, using 200 pounds as the average adult male body weight, we can determine that a good male ...
“Chosen” byPhil Manders Submitted to Contest #111 Warning: This one is nasty. Grey, lifeless water slid silently beneath her in the darkness. The lights from the village, where she used to play, blurred hazily on the horizon, merging with the inky sky. Her mind, unlike the numb air ...
What is the square root of 3 divided by the square root of 7? What number is equal to the square root of 100? What kind of number is the square root of 2? What is the square root of 144/256? What is the square root of (16/36)?
Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each roughly corresponding to one hour of the day. When moving one time zone to another, the date can change, even though the time of day remains consistent. When it's midnight in New York, it's already the next day in London. In the middle of...
What is 185% of these numbers? 185% of 1= 1.85185% of 131= 242.35185% of 261 = 482.85185% of 391 = 723.35 185% of 2= 3.70185% of 132= 244.20185% of 262 = 484.70185% of 392 = 725.20 185% of 3= 5.55185% of 133= 246.05185% of 263 = 486.55185% of 393 = 727.05 ...