The conversion value is a 6-bit value. It contains six numeric characters, which can only be 0 or 1. A 6-bit value can take 64 different values: 0 - 63. DecimalBinaryDecimalBinaryDecimalBinaryDecimalBinary 0 000000 16 010000 32 100000 48 110000 1 000001 17 010001 33 100001 49 110001 ...
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that know binary numbers and those that do not. The entire premise of this joke is that “10” could be a binary number meaning ‘2’, but you would only know that if you understand how to convert binary numbers to decimal numbers. U...
Without metrics, leaders may fall into the trap of assessing progress based on whether a task is “done or not.” But by honing in on specific elements of the dev process, you can scaffold your evaluation system. This makes it easier for leaders to assess software developer productivity and...