( rating integer '$.rating.int32', timestamp_utc float '$.timestamp.float64' ) as HTAP WHERE timestamp_utc is not null union all SELECT MyRating=convert(integer,rating_string),MyTimestamp = timestamp_string FROM OPENROWSET(PROVIDER = 'CosmosDB', CONNECTION = 'Account=<your-database-...
<database-name>;Region=<region-name>',OBJECT='<container-name>', [ CREDENTIAL | SERVER_CREDENTIAL ] ='<credential-name>')WITH( ratinginteger'$.rating.int32',timestampvarchar(50)'$.timestamp.string', timestamp_utcfloat'$.timestamp.float64')asHTAPWHEREtimestampisnotnullortimestamp_utcis...
Updated to keep timestamps unchanged when case time conversion is unnecessary V11.1 build 1000 30th January 2025 Auto Triage Changed to try recovering BitLocker keys instead of just detecting BitLocker status Drive Preparation Fixed possible bug where if OSF failed to open drive the first time, the...
<database-name>;Region=<region-name>',OBJECT='<container-name>', [ CREDENTIAL | SERVER_CREDENTIAL ] ='<credential-name>')WITH( ratinginteger'$.rating.int32',timestampvarchar(50)'$.timestamp.string', timestamp_utcfloat'$.timestamp.float64')asHTAPWHEREtimestampisnotnullortimestamp_utcis...
CGR1000 uptime is 2 hours, 51 minutes System returned to ROM by CLI initiated reload at 15:49:53 UTC Wed Nov 11 2015 System image file is "flash:cgr1000-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-2.CG" Last reload reason: Reload Command This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United...
( rating integer '$.rating.int32', timestamp_utc float '$.timestamp.float64' ) as HTAP WHERE timestamp_utc is not null union all SELECT MyRating=convert(integer,rating_string),MyTimestamp = timestamp_string FROM OPENROWSET( PROVIDER = 'CosmosDB', CONNECTION = 'Account=<account-name>;...
950 means 95% of your cpu limit. And 95% is a moving average value, you can consider it as the average value of last 5 seconds. that is strange. I review my config, I set resource like this: then i got an error before (time is UTC): ...
Reduced Authentication Overhead: By reusing a token, the need to authenticate each connection separately is eliminated, reducing the time and resources spent on connection setup. Scalability: This approach scales better in high-demand scenarios where numerous connections are ...
As the current hour/minute/second system is already widely adopted, it is very unlikely that the Internet Time system will be able to replace it, even on the Internet. There is already a common time system without time zones and daylight saving time in wide use today -UTC, which should ...
When you run the command as mentioned above, you will find theoutputis similar to thewhocommand. And you may notice thetimeis different in both results, but it’s not because my system does not follow theUTC. You should read:[Solved] Fix different time issues in Dual Boot?