With a multi-currency account, you can pay your suppliers in Chinese yuan and receive payments in US dollars, Australian dollars, and euros without the need for currency conversion. This setup simplifies international transactions by eliminating the complexity of maintaining separate accounts for each ...
modelBuilder .Entity<Employee>() .ToTable( "Employees", b => b.IsTemporal( b => { b.HasPeriodStart("ValidFrom"); b.HasPeriodEnd("ValidTo"); b.UseHistoryTable("EmployeeHistoricalData"); })); This is reflected in the table created by SQL Server:SQL...
What Is the Relationship between Political Science and Economics? Taxation What Is a 1099 Form? Finance What Is Life Insurance? Taxation What Is a Tax Haven? Economy What Is the Gold Standard? Finance What Is a Joint Account? Related Articles ...
In the foreign exchange market, a historical exchange rate is the average exchange rate between two currencies over some specified period of time. In accounting, a historical exchange rate is the exchange rate between two currencies that prevailed at the time an asset was acquired or a liability...
They have some cotton trousers and chinos in 100% cotton too, and they get to 150 euros on sale. I can say about the quality though since I haven’t purchased their trouser, but they do look good Reply Andrew Hughes Reply to Nico 3 years ago Hi Nico, I don’t know what your...
My most expensive pen was just under 1000 euros, but that is a couple of years back. This year I dished out around 650 euros twice for some grailpens. They were lucky deals I got. I would not have paid full retail on them. I found out that above about that am...
In the letter they spoke about several amounts and they were in Euros! There was also attached a form I had to fill in. I said to him that I didn't have the money (650 euro). He asked me to pay then if I received my salary and that, when he would come here in a few weeks...
modelBuilder .Entity<Employee>() .ToTable( "Employees", b => b.IsTemporal( b => { b.HasPeriodStart("ValidFrom"); b.HasPeriodEnd("ValidTo"); b.UseHistoryTable("EmployeeHistoricalData"); })); This is reflected in the table created by SQL Server:SQL...
C# 복사 public enum Currency { UsDollars, PoundsSterling, Euros } HasConversion<string>을 사용하여 이 열거형의 값을 문자열 “UsDollars”, “PoundsStirling”, “Euros”로 저장하도록 EF Core를 구성할 수 있습니다. 예시:...
public enum Currency { UsDollars, PoundsSterling, Euros } EF Core 可以設定為使用 將這個列舉的值儲存為字串 「UsDollars」、「PoundsStirling」 和「Euros」。 HasConversion<string> 例如:C# 複製 modelBuilder.Entity<TestEntity1>() .Property(e => e.Currency) .HasConversion<string>(); 從...