Earlier this month she suffered an embarrassing loss to “None of These Candidates” in Nevada’s symbolic Republican presidential primary, failing to pick up steam despite her willingness to aim more direct barbs at Trump than previous Republican contenders in the race....
These fossils and rock formations do not give all the facts, so scientists must take the information and make educated guesses. Sometimes different scientists see the same material but come to different conclusions, so there are many different theories. Some paleontologists think the extinction was ...
So it is with my practice. Over the years, I have learned to clamp down the barbs during trial. Early on, I cross-examined everyone like they were ax murderers, including old ladies and schoolteachers: “Exactly what do you mean, you were tending your roses? And quit fiddling with your...
They have no distributers or outlets in the UK and the brakes are quite expensive but look with all the information they provide a well thought out and constructed brake. Any comments, opinions or knowledge on this from anyone would be very much appreciated Anthony Brewer Reply Phil Gee March...
There you have it…I am damned if I do, and damned if I don’t. Try as I might to stay aloof, and try as I might to remove myself from being the keeper of information, it always seems to come back around to me being the one person people always come to when they want an upd...
Both Trump and Clinton have been in the public eye for a long time, and the information about them has not always been favorable. Trump is a businessman and an entertainer, and the publicity he’s generated isn’t always exactly in line with what politicians seek. Clinton was an unusual ...