What causes melanoma?Melanoma occurs when skin is damaged and the DNA fails to repair. During the process of producing melanin cells, something goes wrong which triggers mutations in those skin cells. These mutated skin cells can multiply rapidly and form malignant tumours....
i have naturally ginger hair and very pale skin..i have never really stayed out in the sun long enough to see if i could get a tan so don't really know..do red heads have much melanin if any in their bodies at all?? and if so, then how much sun exposure or how long would it...
Melanin also protects the deeper layers of the skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. When people spend time in the sunlight, the melanocytes make more melanin and cause the skin to tan. This also happens when skin is exposed to other forms of ultraviolet light (such as in ...
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It forms in cells called melanin that make skin color. Melanoma may appear as a new mole, or in moles you already have. Melanoma can form in the skin, eyes, nose, or throat.What increases my risk for melanoma?
Melanin and Skin Pigmentation When melanin is produced in melanocytes, this pigment is packaged into granules, not unlike the way the green pigment chlorophyll is packaged into specialized intracellular "containers" in plants. When stimulated by UV light, the total level of which increases in most ...
What causes uneven skin tone? Your skin gets its color from a pigment called melanin. One of the main causes of uneven skin tone is pigmentation disorders, where your skin produces too much or not enough melanin. Too much melanin causes hyperpigmentation, and hypopigmentation is where you hav...
Niacinamide is a multitasking ingredient for skin that can help dark spots, wrinkles, acne and rosacea. Learn about its skincare benefits and how it works.
As stated before, skin discoloration happens when cells that produce melanin die. These cells are pigment-producing cells or melanocytes, and they can be reduced or permanently treated withlaser pigmentation removal. There are around three leading causes of skin discoloration. Below, the three causes...
ln the USA and the Eu, its use in cosmetics has long been banned. Pharmacology The topical application of monobenzone in animals increases the excretion of melanin from melanocytes. The same action is thought to be responsible for the depigmenting effect of the drug in humans. Monobenzone may...
Vitiligo, pronounced vit-uh-LIE- go, is condition in which the skin turns white due to the loss of melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its characteristic color. (Melanocytes also impart color to the retina of the eye and the mucous membrane tissues linin...