Cells produce ATP most efficiently in the presence of what? What organelle is responsible for ATP production? What function does ATP serve inside cells? What is the net ATP production in glycolysis? What organelles produce ATP? What can mitochondria directly use to make ATP?
Learn about ATP, the adenosine triphosphate molecule the cells use as energy. Discover how mitochondria make ATP by using oxygen to break down glucose molecules into ATP during cellular respiration. Related to this QuestionThe most important metabolic ...
(diabetes). Basically what happens is that the glucose doesn't get transferred into ATP, the energy that our cells use to function. So as we are left without energy, the body releases adrenaline hormone to re-balance blood sugar levels and to get the much needed energy to the cells. ...
For example, in the liver, cAMP activates PKA, promotes the activity of glycogen phosphorylase, enhances glycogen breakdown, and increases blood glucose concentration. In adipocytes, cAMP encourages the activity of lipase, accelerates the breakdown of fat, and provides energy to the body. CAMP can ...
What happens when cells swell with water? There are several events that can occur when cells swell with water. As the volume of a cell increases, organelles in the cell may become compressed. Changes in cell pH can lead to the degradation of internal cellular organs, and cells involved in ...
You can get energy from food to help with muscle movement. That energy converts to a chemical compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the immediately usable form of energy for the cells in their bodies.3 The body stores a minimal amount of ATP within muscles already. However, most of...
(chemistry) A reaction in which the atoms of an element lose electrons and the oxidation state of the element increases. Oxidation The act or process of oxidizing, or the state or result of being oxidized. Oxidation The process of oxidizing; the addition of oxygen to a compound with a loss...
The functions of actin and its motor proteins myosins in the cytoplasm have been the subject of research for more than 100 years, but the existence and fun
what type of biomolecule is atp? what is the net atp gain from one glucose? how is atp produced in prokaryotic cells? does atp synthesis require oxygen? how do plants produce atp? neet related links neet mock test neet books neet question paper top medical colleges in india neet syllabus ...
What substance, released by mast cells and basophils, causes blood capillaries to become more permeable and causes vasodilation of arterioles? Which of the following will increase glomerular filtration rate? a. decrease in glomerular hydrostatic pressure. b. increase in release o...