In addition to eating green foods, you can get green poop as a result of diarrhea. In that case, the green color is from a buildup of bile when food doesn't have enough time to break down in your digestive tract. If you're concerned that your green poop is not normal, some signs...
Why Is My Poop Green? Eats your spinach like Popeye does? If you love dark green leafy vegetables, then you’ve probably noticed green stool on occasion. Certain green food coloring (hello, St. Patrick’s Day) can also produce green stool. Dietary supplements, for instance, iron supplements...
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Green poop is not unusual. In addition to eating green foods, you can get green poop as a result of diarrhea. In that case, the green color is froma buildup of bile when food doesn't have enough time to break downin your digestive tract. What color is your stool if you have liver...
You’d probably notice if your poop is a different hue than normal. But what does it mean if it’s green? What about red, yellow, white, or black? Or orange? Most of the time, minor changes in the color of your waste are due to diet. After all, we don’t eat the same thing...
What Does it Mean When Your Poop Is Green? A dark green poop mainly occurs due to the changes made in your diet. For example, if you have just switched to a high-kale diet or eating more of dark green veggies, then you may have green poop. Green poop can also occur due to: ...
1. Green Green poop is likely caused by your diet. Spinach, green Jell-O, blue-green colored ice creams (or anything that contains dye), black licorice and black jelly beans are all culprits, Dr. Borkar says. Your poop color should return to normal once the food has passed through your...
A doctor explains what it means if your poop is different colors, like green or red.
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Its main function is to help break down fat from our diet, but it can also help your body get rid of toxins. Bile’s slight yellow and green hues—coupled with colors from the foods you eat and the supplements or meds you take—can create poop that’s many different shades of brown,...