Macaela Mackenzie Macaela MacKenzie is a journalist who writes about women and power. She covers women’s equality through the lenses of sports, wellness, and the gender gap across industries and is the author ofMONEY, POWER, RESPECT: How Women in Sports Are Shaping the Future of Feminism.Mac...
While hepatitis B spreads through sex, it’s unlikely that you’ll get it from oral sex unless you come into contact with blood. Can you get pregnant from oral sex? You can’t get pregnant from oral sex alone. Pregnancy happens when sperm fertilizes an egg, and the only way to access...
anal penetration can be painful and difficult. Repetitive anal sex may weaken the anal sphincter, making it difficult to hold in poop until you can get to the toilet.Kegel exercisesto strengthen the sphincter
If you have more than three unusual bowel movements in one week or if the unusual bowel movements keep occurring for two weeks or more, this is concerning. Some warning signs include stools that are too loose, extremely hard, noticeably different in color, or contain blood.” What Are the ...
Experts say that aphrodisiacs can work in two ways: There are those that create sexual desire by working on the mind, and there are those that create desire by affecting parts of the body. For example, something that increases blood flow in the sex organs might simulate the feelings ofsexua...
Floaters can also point to an imbalance in blood sugar, so make sure you have a steady stream of protein throughout the day. Be sure to eat three meals and two healthy snacks per day. Interested in tracking your poo-communication even more and staying on top of any changes? Maybe try ...
Both can indicate blood. First try to rule out food, medications, and hemorrhoids while watching closely for a recurrence over the next several weeks. Related: The Best Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids “If it happens more than once and is combined with any other symptoms, such as rectal pain ...
A Beginner's Guide To The Whole30 Diet Plan Stomach Pain? Try One Of These Probiotics What Are The Symptoms Of Norovirus? 7 GI Docs Reveal What They Do to Beat Bloating What Brand Of Ground Beef Is Recalled? 8 Ways To Get Rid Of Period Bloating ...
The presence of blood in poop is the main reason why it can appear red. Most often, it’s related to constipation. Constipation is generally the result of a diet low in fiber, whole foods, and water. Additionally, some women may also experience red-colored poop during their period. A le...
Can you poop out gum? If you swallow gum, it's true that your body can't digest it. But the gum doesn't stay in your stomach. It moves relatively intact through your digestive system andis excreted in your stool. Can a 2 year old chew gum?