In the dark about life as a military spouse, a photographer began documenting what it means to go to war.
A glass ampule, located in the rear section, which contained acetone would instead break open upon impact and then slowly begin to dissolve a series of the protective celluloid plates or barriers, which barricaded the explosive materials, eventually triggering the firing pin and then finally detonati...
When a country yields to another based on a ruling, compliance is more likely if the losing country uses a world court decision as justification for losing face. INGOs gain legitimacy and recognition when they aid vic- tors of court decisions. In addition to courts with universal jurisdiction...
Closer to the a view of nature that traditional societies (such as in ancient India) had envisioned. But I do not think Hindutva has the knowledge to do anything more than accept breadcrumbs from Western advancements of technology and science. And even if India does then it will lo...
The entire imperial institution was tied to Buddhism until the late 18th century; that’s called kenmitsu taisei, if you want to Google it. This is a weird blog and I never stick around when I visit here but you seem to have such hangups about religion, it’s not surprising to me ...
this recent realization made me understand that if a friendship is so self-depletion, it shouldn't continue. To borrow an old Chinese saying: 'Different paths do not converge.’ I also think that in my view of the world, the businesswoman in the example and her so-called friends are not...
The culture of America is a hodgepodge of English, Spanish. French, African and Dutch, if we’re speaking colonially. Factually, the entire world has a representative in the population of this country. There are Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Zoroastrians - the lot. ...