A medical POA is a document used to name an agent (akahealth care proxy)to make medical decisions for you if you can’t talk to doctors yourself. So instead of a piece of paper, you have a person who’ll speak on your behalf and carry out your wishes if you can’t. This means y...
Only because she couldn’t deal with his crazy dementia behaviors. Helpful Answer (1) Reply to Suzy23 Report J JoAnn29 Jul 8, 2024 Dad I would worry about first. If he has not assigned one of you POA, he needs to while he can. Tell him without...
Dr would still question my on and seemed to just think mom was depressed and not actual dementia. She is a great liar and storyteller. Of course “it’s just the disease” they say. She is and was always a proud and I consider very narcissist person. She always has denied anything ...
All right hello everyone so my name’s Chris Berry and we do these weekly webinars every week. Obviously, hence weekly webinar, and really these are just an open forum question and answer time. So if you do have questions please submit them ahead ...
I can't find a full time job where my parents have not got full control over my income, to pay for driving lesson or find suitable accomadtion while trapped in a village 8 miles away from the nearest town is physically making me sick Mildred G If the father have dementia and living...
My way of thinking "the more dementia, the less you talk to her about it." I do not know the time table here - are you starting to re-search AI facilities or do you have a room already? If you have a room already: * You get the room ready...
light of that, her behavior could be explained by her lack of logic. My mom had dementia too and she made so many unreasonable requests before she was finally diagnosed. So I want to make sure my mother in law is properly diagnosed and when she is, ...