--top N: displays the top N results (only works if --sort is also specified) Performance improvements (specifically for when YARN is used) & Product improvements Build: 101.27.50 Release version: 20.121022.12750.0 What's newFix to accommodate for Apple certificate expiration for macOS Cat...
For iOS users: Users with notifications enabled are prompted to return to the Company Portal app for iOS. If they disable notifications, they aren't alerted, but still need to return to Company Portal to complete registration. For macOS devices: The Company Portal app for macOS detects the ...
feature if enabled within the system settings in order prevent tracking activities; create separate logins for different accounts rather than sharing one across multiple platforms; disable any third party cookies installed on your computer unless absolutely necessary for normal operations; avoid entering ...
If a connector is not in the list, the driver's logic is used to determine whether complete modeset is needed. Pass -1 to disable. Credits Apple for macOS AMD for ATOM VBIOS parsing code The PCI ID Repository for multiple GPU model names FireWolf for the DPCD maximum link rate fix, ...
If two or more contacts across multiple queues (same media type) have the same (highest) priority, the contact waiting for the longest duration is assigned first to the agent. Priority ranges from minimum 10 (default priority) to maximum 1. For more information, see Implement skills-based ...
Agent does not have a registered device to pick the call when the call is presented In the above scenarios, if the bounced calls policy is enabled the unresponsive agents are automatically moved to "Unavailable". For more information, see Webex Customer Experience Essentials. June 2024 VoIP enhan...
If your iPad displays the message "iPad is Disabled Connect to iTunes," you can fix the issue by restoring your iPad with iTunes. This process will erase all data and settings on the device, so ensure that any critical data has been backed up before proceeding. Here are the steps to ...
these are often used to connect laptops directly to external displays. are all vga cables compatible with all monitors? no; not all vga cables are compatible with every monitor or tv. it’s important to check the specifications of both devices before making a purchase as some may require ...
File System Errors: The RAW drive is a drive that does not have any file system, and Windows is unable to detect and read it. Improper Use: If you are not taking proper care of your hard drive, it can lead to such errors. Physical contact, heat, sudden power surges, etc., can ...
If the cotton swab is used with excessive force, the metal in the cotton swab may scratch the ceramic end face. Tests on installation and removal of an optical module are based on manual operations, so are the push force and pull force. Therefore, do not use tools to install or remove ...