when you wrap me in y when youd hide your s when youre always up when youre in battle when youre on the str when your enemy is ch when youre big when y when youre close - wh when youve got what i whensince whendarknessfalls whenever i long to be whenever i sigh with whenever i...
”I Know Not How It Falls on Me” by Emily Brontë I KNOW not how it falls on me, (A) This summer evening, hushed and lone; (B) Yet the faint wind comes soothingly (A) With something of an olden tone. (B) Forgive me if I’ve shunned so long (C) Your gentle...
If so, you might have used a cliché. Another technique is to analyze each sentence to see if what you wrote is likely to have appeared in anyone else’s work. Since no one has the same experiences as you, your work should express your unique voice and your individual thoughts. And som...
约莫400年前,意大利的科学家伽利略并不因为亚里士多德说过了什么就轻易相信,他通过实验,推翻了亚里士多德的观点,建立了自由落体定律,使人们因为这个创新而震撼,使世界因为这个创新而发生巨大的改变 About 2300 ago, Greece has in a great thinker Asia gentleman Dude, he thought the object falls the speed and...
"It looks so real. I thought it was alive! I love it and so will you!" I always ask people what they saw. Here are a few answers I have received. BIRD, MOUSE, LIZARD, SNAKE, SUGAR GLIDER, BUG, GERBIL, RAT, HAMSTER, SALAMANDER, FROG, and many more! But, the words I have ...
The foulest specimen I’ve thawed by far was a monitor lizard… it was shipped to me in California from Arizona when I was a PhD student. This was in August’s heat and the box of the big lizard sat thawing at the post office for 2 weeks before they contacted me and asked why a ...
abrushed-lizard pattern PU, chunky chain and shoulder strap, tucked in tab at flap front with a decorative pale-gold hardware and crystal ball, an internal side and zip-fastening pocket, Concealed stud fastening at front. 掠过蜥蜴样式PU、大块的链子和肩带、被卷起的制表符在挡水板前面与一个...
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.” From“All Soul’s Night, 1917” by Hortense King Flexner “You heap the logs and try to fill The little room with words and cheer, ...
That took a special kind of crazy disregard for humanity in general that is hard for normal –or even only slightly abnormal– human beings to conceptualize let alone act on. It’s a level of psychopathy that leaves you going “if they were lizardoids from space, what would be different,...
This is the lab of Tonia Hsieh, a Temple University biologist who studies life on the move. The goal of the lizard study is to use the animals as a model for humans, to figure out better ways to prevent falls among the aged. The scientists are using two species — the frilled dragon...