9.9万 71 1:28 App 【Iron man】复联四托尼打响指与what if托尼打响指对比 4.8万 7 1:24 App 奥创发现嘴炮观察者 4.5万 18 1:46 App 【漫威what if】第8集 奥创秒杀宝石灭霸,毁灭宇宙 7.9万 5 0:16 App 钢铁侠胸甲组装动画 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
Hot Toys秉承着忠于角色的创作初心,参照动画剧集《假如…?》中的设定,为萨卡钢铁侠 (Sakaarian Iron Man) 全新打造了一款高逾36cm的大型专用机体,头盔眼部及胸前装甲均配备LED发光装置。此套重型钢铁侠拥有多达28个高可动关节,让收藏家可以自由摆动机械手脚展示多款形态。同时,配备全新设计的可揭式磁吸面罩头盔,盖上...
His reputation was as bad, if not worse, than that of any young man in the county. For years, when he was a boy, he had carried about with him the dried and salted ear of a man he had killed in a razor fight. He had chopped off the tails of squirrels in the pinewoods just ...
一小时后,你必须做 249135 漫威群英传吧 暮色♂晚风 漫威群英传全英雄评价(钢铁侠)十几年的漫威自 I am Iron Man 开启,也从 I am Iron Man 结束。 可以说托尼的离去,也带走了属于漫威宇宙最辉煌的时代,现在的漫威……呵呵呵呵…… 分享3028 bilibili吧 卡卡西345 漫威将拍if系列电视剧,第一集是假如美队成...
队长 有什么计画 So, Cap, what's the plan? 鹰眼 黄蜂女 帮我注意天上的动静 Hawkeye, Wasp, I want eyes in the sky. 钢铁人 索尔 在地面继续打 Iron Man, Thor, keep the fighting down here. 黑寡妇 我们去兜风吧 Widow, let's go f... 文档格式:DOCX | 页数:19 | 浏览次数:16 | 上传...
Marvel Studios與Disney+除了主打最新英雄影集《洛基 Loki》之外,昨日正式發佈過去曾經公開的動畫作品《What If…?》,將多位大家熟悉的英雄角色,置入顛覆各種可能的多元宇宙。 預告中,能看到 T’Challa、Doctor Strange、Killmonger、Iron Man 與 Thor 等多位角色,其所發生的劇情都有別於MCU過去帶給觀眾的設定,像是...
Whatif? 我不拍续集 Idontdosequels. 通常是如此 Normally. 如果有无限的故事能说 Whatsthepointofrevisitingthestory 何必重温一个故事呢 whenthereareinfinitestoriestobetold? 话说回来不是每个宇宙都是佩姬卡特队长的家 Butthen,noteveryuniverseishometoaCaptainPeggyCarter, 她是超级士兵二战英雄 thesuper-soldier,...
well i think the reas well i think i think well if the foods lat well if youll excuse well its nice to fina well let me get the d well no its just me a well not on my watch well nothing ever hap well ross does well there is that well they came from n well they can be invi...