Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi. Loosely translated: “The norm of prayer governs the norm of belief; the norm of belief governs the norm of living.” Many priests nowadays (including myself) are asking, “What if there’s deficientlexin theorandi? Won’t that diminish thecredendiand...
(1)The Anglo-Irish Treaty signed in 1921 made the southern 26 states of Ireland a free state and the northern 6 states a part of the United Kingdom due to the Protestant majority in the north. However, throughout the twentieth century, terrorism by both Catholics and Protestants was a ...
Interesting parallels between Poland and Lebanon (this probably applies to Ireland as well). Two places where a strange marriage between Catholicism and nationalist projects took place. In both cases, a perceived “external threat” led groups to find in the Catholic church a way to not just def...
When I got home I looked through the my past tax information to figure out the how to log into my account in the French tax system. Since we had never had to pay, I had never done this before. Once I got online, I discovered that two days before I went to the tax center, the ...
时陶侃为散吏,访荐为主簿,相与结友,以女妻侃子瞻。访察孝廉,除郎中、上甲令,皆不之官。 及元帝渡江,命参镇东军事。时有与访同姓名者,罪当死,吏误收访,访奋击收者。数十人皆散走,而自归于帝,帝不之罪。寻以为扬烈将军,讨华轶。所统厉武将军丁乾与轶所统武昌太守冯逸交通,访...
Much of our life and society would not be turned topsy-turvey if we went to anarchism overnight (though of course, even that’s unlikely to happen). The difference that anarchism would make would be gradual, and would mostly be noticeable only over a period of time and accumulated changes...
If one is interested in Irish stick I would, of course, suggest helping keep these traditions alive as much as possible. They present a sophisticated array of techniques which is unfortunately not found in the few historical documents that we have and represent a unique link to Ireland’s ...
Or is a religious group a sort of tribe–like fans that are loyal to a particular football team? Based on what I’ve read about the Catholics and Protestants of Northern Ireland, the conflict there has little or nothing to do with religion as I think of the term. ...
PPPavee Point(Ireland) PPPublicaciones Periódicas PPPetrol Point(military operations) PPPlane Partition(enumerative combinatorics) PPPetr Prucha(hockey player) PPPropria Persona(Latin: for oneself) PPPlenum Pressure PPProgram Package PPPort Processor ...
aspects are immaterial, if you'll allow the play on the word. I know from experience that some Protestant sects are adamant about having to be a Christian to get to God, but they err. Although Catholic dogma is that, for those who are aware, they must be Catholic for salvation, the ...