“First world,” a term developed during the Cold War in the 1950s, originally referred to a country that was aligned with the United States and other Western nations in opposition to what was then the Soviet Union and its allies. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the term...
From 1871 to 1914, the gold standard was at its pinnacle. During this period, near-ideal political conditions existed among most countries—including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and India—that instituted the gold standard. However, this all changed with the outbreak of the Great War in 191...
withstanding great U.S. pressure, India has refrained from condemning Russia’s actions in the U.N. One of the many fallouts from this war, however, is that in the future, the India- Russia relationship will be greatly
For instance, the short story of “Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” from Interpreter of Maladies describes a man who moves to America for his job while his family remains in Dacca, India, during the Pakistini army invasion. Mr. Pirzada is clearly unable to communicate with his wife and ...
If you’re caught paying lip service to the cause and can’t back it up, young shoppers will sniff that out quickly and move on to a brand doing it right. As part of its sustainability efforts, Signet has joined the UN Global Compact, a voluntary initiative to adopt sustainable and soci...
If a product is manufactured in Maharashtra and sold in Karnataka, the GST collected goes to Karnataka as the destination state, not Maharashtra. This approach ensures the tax revenue benefits the state where the goods are consumed, promoting a fair distribution of tax revenue across states. ...
What I see is some wealthy people who are interested enough in your community project to want to support it, but only if they also make some money from it, which is just business as usual. I have never heard of ‘angels’ in the traditional theological sense who need a return for ...
World War Z August 2 (Image credit: Netflix) Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli(2024, India):This engrossing documentary throws light on the roaring success of filmmaker S.S. Rajamouli with interviews from family and famous friends. Rebel Moon — Part One: Director’s Cut(2024):Zack Snyder's ...
industrial activity (Haney et al.,2019). The creators of Moon Village—the SOM studio, the European Space Agency, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—say that if you’ve never thought about living on the Moon, now is the time to start doing so. However, the aim of the project...
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was an influential philosopher, economist, and politician as well as a high-level employee of the East India Company. A controversial figure in 19th-century Britain, he advocated the use ofclassical economic theory, philosophical thought, and social awareness in politi...