You will need to take the pill at the same time every day. Your healthcare provider will tell you when to start taking the pill. You will also be told what to do if you miss a dose. Instructions will depend on the kind of birth control pills you are taking.What are the different ...
Discover why you might be bleeding on birth control methods like the pill. Find out what withdrawal bleeding is and how it impacts your cycle.
It's important to take your birth control pills at the same time every day, but sometimes that doesn't happen. Here's what to do if you miss a pill.
AnIUD (intrauterine device)is a highly effective reversible birth control method for women. It’s normal to have changes in your periods while using an IUD. But you may wonder about your period after IUD removal,especially if you want to get pregnant. ...
I recap all the items in a punch-list letter back to them, keeping a copy myself. (I am glad to share any samples with you if you need.) (Also look into programs MEPD, MCPW, Long-term Disabled and MSP.) Be kind and patient, my advice. I have found it really pays dividends....
How can I tell whether my tablet was effective? The best way to determine if the emergency contraceptive pill, also known as the i-pill was effective is by taking a pregnancy test. Even after taking an I-pill, can I become pregnant? Despite taking the i-pills within 72 hours after havi...
If you get pregnant while using an IUD, the doctor will probably try to remove the device. If it stays in, you’re more likely to have amiscarriage, or lose the pregnancy. You also have a higher chance of early birth and infection. ...
BTB on the pill is quite a common thing.Using hormonal birth control will cause women to experience breakthrough bleeding, especially if they have recently changed their contraceptive methods. This bleeding can occur for a couple of months as the body adjusts to birth control. ...
Customs had our C5 that we did online, but we did fill out a paper one on the plane since it was unclear if they’d have online copy or not. We did it online two weeks prior to travel, they did have it so we did not need the paper form and customs pulled it up online, checke...
I'm just like you. I enjoy the forbidden fruits in life, too. — Mike Tyson 88 There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. — George Santayana 83 My family is a part of my life and everything is all a mixture of enjoyment. — Davy Jones 82 If you wan...