The amiibo unlocks in Age of Calamity are useful, if unexciting.Scanning amiibo unlocks materials(food items, insects, etc) which may help you complete Quests,or weapons(potentially with Seals) that can be sold, fused or wielded as you wish. Following a long period of testing, the amiibo un...
Dec 19, 2015 Reply Jordan 1 There’s no shame in that. If others have misconceptions about anime, saying that you like it is an opportunity to break myths. On my trip to Japan I said I was really interested in anime, and that prompted a number of others on the tour to say they ...
There’s something mysterious both about the subject herself (her look is both alluring and aloof) and the way that the image was painted (Leonardo used a technique called ‘blurring’ around the edges of the subject that was new for his time that give it a mysterious quality). This leave...