Even more unlikely that China would risk WWIII by trying to claim Korea. I believe Korea will follow the same path as Germany and eventual reuinification will result. I believe it would happen at the end of the reign of the current DPRK leader so he can leave the greate...
And if “F the EU” wasn’t enough, then Kagan’s Jewish wife, Victoria Nuland will add “F Russia” if Hillary makes her Secretary of State. Playing chicken with a bear is a dangerous game, especially when the grizzly’s armed with nukes. It’s all going to be blown to smitheree...
I did not even mention it in my post on New Year’s Day 2017. Maybe I got tired of predicting a breakout year for crypto as I had mentioned it in my 2015 and 2016 predictions, but whatever the cause, I completely missed the biggest story of the year in tech. If you look at the...
We see this “if it looks like” it’s the same in a ton of things. Almost every case of chemical contamination of products like the one that killed cats and dogs, is because the substance substituted had enough characteristics of the right one that for Chinese culture they were the same...
Maybe if nukes are involved. In short, everyone should know by now that American democracy is just a dog and pony show, The Republicans and Democrats are there to hide the real government that operates behind the curtain. Presidents are just puppets with strings. However if there was ever ...