Python >>>fromdisimportBytecode>>>fromtypesimportCodeType>>>deftraverse(code):...print(code.co_name,code.co_varnames)...forinstructioninBytecode(code):...ifisinstance(instruction.argval,CodeType):...traverse(instruction.argval)...>>>traverse(module)<module> ()add ('a', 'b') ...
The lru_cache decorator is a built-in tool in Python that caches the results of expensive function calls. This improves performance by avoiding redundant calculations for repeated inputs. Example: from functools import lru_cache @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def fibonacci(n): if n < 2: return n...
ngắn gọn hơn như dưới đây, phép gán được sử dụng như mệnh đề điều kiện và ta có thể sử dụng biến được gán giá trị trong thân câu điều kiện if: if a := some_func(): print...
def is_armstrong_number(number): num_str=str(number) num_digits=len(num_str) total=0 for digit_char in num_str: digit=int(digit_char) total+=digit ** num_digits return total==numbernum=int(input("enter a number:")) if is_armstrong_number(num): print(num,"is an armstrong number...
If you're creating a custom iterator in Python, you'll need to handle the StopIteration exception to signal when the iteration should stop. See additionaldocumentationfor more details. class CountDown: def __init__(self, start): self.current = start ...
The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language. - GitHub - whatif-dev/openai-python: The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written
for i in range(1,n+1): multiple_of_3 = number % 3 == 0 multiple_of_5 = number % 5 == 0 在验证它是 3 还是 5 或两者的倍数之后,我们现在使用条件来打印适当的消息,即 fizz、buzz、fizzbuzz 或数字。 if multiple_of_3 and multiple_of_5: ...
defmain(): forxinrange(5): print(x) if__name__ =="__main__": setup_monitoring() main() In the past, Python debuggers usedsys.settrace, which offered essentially the same functionality but in a less efficient manner. The newsys.monitoringnamespace introduces a streamlined API for event...
defcalculate_average(numbers):assertlen(numbers)>0,"List must not be empty"total=sum(numbers)average=total/len(numbers)returnaveragedata=[5,10,15,20]result=calculate_average(data) In this example, the assert statement checks if the length of the numbers list is greater than zero. If the li...
You can use a “while” loop along with some other Python functionality to create a simple countdown timer. Here's what the code looks like: [Countdown timer code in code block] import time def countdown(time_sec): while time_sec: ...