Depending on state insurance laws, an insurer may have the right to pursuesubrogationto obtain reimbursement for claims paid to a policyholder. For example, if a health insurance policyholder is injured in an accident and the insurer pays $20,000 to cover the medical bills, the insurer may sue...
False burdens, false savings Not all costs incurred in the process of compliance are the same. Often, regulation serves to codify good practice which businesses, once engaged, would maintain even in the absence of a formal obligation. The cost of undertaking these activities is not a product ...
Hence in order to determine whether CSR expenditure is mandatory for a company in FY 2019-20, we need tocheck net worth or turnover or net profit before tax criteria based on financial statement for FY 2018-19and if the company is fulfilling any of the 3 condition then CSR provisions (S...
The first eight months of FY 2023 saw an increase of 63.4%2 year on year in Central Government's Capital Expenditure, catalysing private Capex Buoyant consumption, release of pent-up demand saw accelerated growth in not only personal loans but also in the housing market. Housing bank credit ...
When considering the energy expenditure incurred from activities of daily living at the lower body weight, this could conceivably contribute substantially to the reduction in total daily energy expenditure. Indeed, following a 10% weight loss, individuals were found to exhibit greater skeletal muscle ...