Regarding the Ottoman Empire, that is certainly a possibility, but things would have to go wrong in the Caucasus first. As of right now, the region is under Tsarist control, and Constantinople is leery of jumping feet first into war with the Romanovs. But if their grip ...
If there's any place in Africa that might get more than passing notice from Japan, it's Ethiopia. And even then, it's less that Japan would want to colonize it, as much as they'd want to partner with the Solomonic Dynasty in modernizing the country. IOTL, there wer...
The former colonies gained independence and then joined the Commonwealth. However, conflicts between members with different interests within the Commonwealth created a situation which no longer served the benefit of Britain. Therefore, Britain gradually reduced its involvement in the Commonwealth circle. ...
@titans62 - I completely agree with you that it was a matter of the leaders of Europe not knowing what they were doing and seeing the dangers of the alliances. However, the Central Powers deserve a lot of blame. The Central Powers involved Germany and a few very volatile countries that ...
Find more information in the Arelion Knowledge hub Whitepaper Read our Whitepapers & Reports Expert knowledge and invaluable insights to help you navigate your digital journey. Guide Read a 'What is' guide A series of guides about the Internet and other fundamental networking concepts, services an...
How to eradicate extreme poverty: Part 1 - China's governing system (If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at RELATED STORIES How Macao makes it under 'One Country, Two Systems' (Part 2) Politics 13:59, 09-Dec-...
‘Mission-driven’ innovation has received increased attention in recent years, in the context of calls for strengthened state-led responses to global challenges through joined up industrial and innovation policy. Mazzucato argues that missions should demonstrate ‘directionality’ (setting the direction ...
Jim Salazar, a southern California businessman and pilot who has joined forces with fellow lost-aircraft searcher Ken McBride, hopes that this P-38 discovery will be the prelude to an even more momentous find. Salazar says in an interview that the search team plans to return to Greenland in...
The EC initially focused on a common agricultural policy and the elimination ofcustoms barriers. Denmark, Ireland, and the U.K. joined in 1973 in the first wave of expansion. Direct elections to the European Parliament began in 1979.5
The greenback has always had its external foes during the long period of its dominance—from the communist bloc and anti-colonialists to contemporary adversaries like China, Russia, and other emerging powers. Meanwhile, critics argue that mounting inflation, the rising U.S. federal deficit, and ...