What did the colonists do after the Quartering Act? What laws did the Mayflower Compact establish? What group was the Magna Carta originally intended to protect? What was the main argument of the Declaration of the Rights and Grievances of the colonies? What did the Charter of Libert...
Those Greek smart boys Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero started the ridiculous idea 2,000 years ago that every individual in a society should have a right to have access to their own fulfillment as a human being. In the Second Century even good ol’ boys now known as Roman Catholic popes agre...
What is the Magna Carta? How did the Reformation take place in Britain? Why did the Industrial Revolution happen first in Britain? What is the British Empire? 什么是《大宪章》? 英国宗教改革是如何发生的? 为什么工业革命首先发生在英国? 什么是大英帝国? I. The Founding of the Nation Recorded hi...
The American Bill of Rights is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution as its first ten amendments. The Bill of Rights was inspired in part by the Magna Carta and protects important rights in a democratic society, such as free speech and freedom of religion....
“Prime Minister” – the idea of the “First among Equals”. The Prime Minister was required to command enough support in the House of Commons to have legislation passed to effectuate his and his group’s policies – which were those most desired by those whose support they must have and ...
What was the problem with the Volstead Act? What groups of people were not represented at the Constitutional Convention? What did the Group Areas Act of 1950 establish? What was the Prohibition Party? What group did the Immigration Act of 1924 ban?
Define the framers of the U.S. Constitution. What were the philosophical roots of the Declaration of Independence? What is the first paragraph of the U.S. Constitution called? Which enlightenment idea was contained in the constitution of the United States?
What happened after the First Continental Congress? What did the Continental Congress do to establish American independence? What was accomplished by the Second Continental Congress? What was the colonists' reaction to the First Continental Congress? What happened first: the Coercive Acts or the First...
What was formed from the Declaration of Independence? What are the 4 sections of the Declaration of Independence? What does the Declaration of Independence represent? What is the main idea of Declaration of Independence? What is the Declaration of Independence? What was the Declaration of Indepen...
What brought the Mayflower Compact about? What is the theme of the Mayflower Compact? What colony did the Mayflower Compact establish? What tradition did the Mayflower Compact establish? What were the two main ideas of the Mayflower Compact?