I wore this yesterday to meet a friend. And I wanted to share some more casual faves today! But back to this outfit, my suede jacket is actually 20 years old – I got it back in college. And my jeans are a pair that I go for time and time again. identical cognac suede jacket, ...
【WIWT = What I wore Today】大家好,这里是 WIWTLab 🧪是个用来记录 @文韬Stefan 穿着的同款博🔬 仅科普文韬各平台官方账号更新及公开行程的相关同款,不提供链接🔬 善用关键词搜索能快速找到相关科普🔬 欢迎私信投稿、许愿想看到的同款🔬 为爱发电,有任何意见欢迎私信,不要在评论区吵架 ...
#whatiworetoday# 这个话题竟然已经坚持两周了,对于我这种懒癌体质的人来说真不容易。必须谢谢大家每天的点赞和评论,让我坚持下来,之后还是会坚持穿搭分享。为了表达一点点小心意,粉丝互动前五名的小仙女们,我会寄出essence的蜜粉饼作为感谢和支持 麻烦私信我地址哈~第一名的这位朋友也不要委屈,今晚晚餐➕两个...
HA. It was literally hanging in my closet. It’s bright yellow. How did I not notice the vest there this entire time AND how did I completely forget that I wore it last winter? Am I the only one who finds this funny? Anyway. Let’s talk food! Same breakfast, before and after my...
Flats where once only known as the shoes that women wore when they wanted ultra comfort, but as fashion often does, flats have made a complete 180 and have now made it to the forefront in women’s footwear. This is probably due to so many famous actresses now gracing a great looking pa...
Happy Wednesday! It's time for another edition of What I Wore Lately, which is where I round up my everyday outfits from the past couple weeks.
Anas refused to leave the city before the siege started. I still remember his answer when I begged him to leave as soon as he could: “I’m not going to leave the city, I don’t want the children of Aleppo to feel so sad, I want to do something for them so that they smile and...
A BLOGGER is turning a new year resolution to post pictures on the internet of herself in a different outfit every day into a social network for fashion fans.Prigg, Mark
During the 1970s and 1980s, mohair was very much in vogue, and trendy urbanites wore mohair sweaters and put mohair carpeting in their homes until the rampant animal abuses in the mohair industry came to light. 4. Alpaca Wool People in South America have been breeding alpacas for their...
Still bare-legged weather here, so I wore my nude wedge sandals. The bead necklace was made by a friend. Feeling groovy today. Have a sunny day, and stay fabulous, Not Dead Yet Style is a ShopStyle affiliate – please be aware that all links to these vendors are affiliate links. I ...