She was not necessarily combative, but paranoid about the nurses, and telling me she has been on trips to other places and seen people she hasn't really seen, not remembering things that happened the day before, etc. I am so happy to learn there is an actual condition called HP. I'...
In the year before I retired, I spent considerable time reading this book, which not only helped me understand how to enroll for Medicare, but which version (traditional + a gap policy) would work best for me. In the 10 years since I retired, I have loaned my copy of this book to ...
9. Continue work on my next novel, and realize that a healthy family and supportive friends are a lot more important than typing “The End” before an arbitrary December 31st deadline. So as this annus horribilis comes to an close, and my dogs flaunt the fact they still don’t know h...
The following account is characteristic of the potency of these supportive encounters: “I talked to some [former medical tourists], one guy especially who has been there a year before me…and his experience actually made me really go for it and have no, no more doubts…[because] he said ...
before looking to what is going right and how you can fix the problem to achieve the best outcomes for your patient. Of course, it’s not always as simple as that because we all manage complications differently – that’s the art of surgery. Here, I demonstrate specific examples of an ...
possibly with some light flashes, you should get to an eye doctor immediately. There is a chance (1 in 7) that your retina is about to detach from the back of your eye. If that happens, you have very little time to get it fixed before it effectively dies and you go blind ...
I'm in some doubt whether I'll be able to make it to Dallas for FenCon, or to Hamilton Ontario for the IGKT meeting, due to increased symptoms of my spinal stenosis, affecting my right arm. I'm hoping to learn more about that and get it resolved before November, at least, but I...