Synopsis:"Teacup" follows a disparate group of people in rural Georgia who must come together in the face of a mysterious threat in order to survive. Inspired by the New York Times bestselling novel Stinger by Robert McCammon. Caddo Lake (Max) Synopsis: When an eight-year-old g...
Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) and is being organized by several Massachusetts women who got their start with BOW. After middling spring turkey hunting season, focus is now on fall Why would NWTF be willing to pay for something at a nature center? Healthy habitats with...
The thing is you're actually not alone. Mama bear is likely just off to the side keeping a close eye on her cubs and your next move. recommends trying to distance yourself from the cubs, but you'll need to be careful. That protective mama could be right behind you. LOO...
Ohio hunters typically have something to smile about every deer season, as the state is one of the best places in the country to hunt deer. According to Mike Moore in Outdoor News, the 2019–2020 hunting season checked over 180,000 deer. The season runs from the end of September to the...
We spent the night at some Motel Fungus in Georgia. The next morning, we checked the weather again and decided to head to lower left South Carolina. It was a long, rainy haul, made longer when The Mucus would wake up and debate my position on whatever I was talking about. At one ...
The Stanford Cardinal (singular, as it's the color, Cardinal Red, not the songbird in this instance) are looking to make waves in their first ACC season, after spending more than a century in the Pac-12. Catch the game on NBC and Peacock! Georgia Tech (October 19) On October 19 ...
shape-shifting portrait of the titular Georgia city, as Glover's lead character Earn tries to help his cousin Paper Boi boost his rap career. As well as starring, Glover often writes and directs the show too (though the key director here is Hiro Murai, behind the 'This Is America' musi...
Back in the states, at Fort Stewart, Georgia, she became a Supply Sergeant. After a couple years, she was back in Germany, as the Supply Sergeant of a Military Police Battalion. Upon returning to the US, she was assigned to the 1st Infantry Division, at Fort Riley, Kansas, “The Big...
Upper car deck is about 30' above sea level and was shipping mostly spray through the front that had no doors (not required at that height). All hands called to get rid of the water and increased the tack to about 45 degrees at less than 10 kts. Ro/Pax in Georgia Strait we had ...
Ohio hunters typically have something to smile about every deer season, as the state is one of the best places in the country to hunt deer. According to Mike Moore in Outdoor News, the 2019–2020 hunting seasonchecked over 180,000 deer.The season runs from the end of September to the ...