Da-Song has already opened the walkie-talkie box. He also goes through the other items -- CAMPFIRE SUPPLIES, AN AXE FOR CHOPPING FIREWOOD... As Ki-Tek walks out, he quickly feels up Chung-Sook’s behind. Chung-Sook giggles to herself as she goes to the kitchen sink. The long STE...
When you consider monthly bills, electricity use takes a significant chunk of that total. Understanding what makes your home guzzle the most electricity can help you save money and even reduce your environmental impact. Not all household appliances are created equal; some larger devices will cost y...
parentshowoftentheyused26commonhouseholdcleanersduringtheirbabies?firstthreeto fourmonthsoflife.Byagethree,thechildrenwho 5. (come)incontactwithcleaningproductsthemostwere37percentmorelikelytohave asthmathanchildrenwiththe6. (little) contact. Thestudyalsofoundthatalotofexposureto cleaningproductscausedchildrentobe...
Household expenses refer to the cost of maintaining a home, such as paying the rent or themortgage, utility bills, and groceries for the people living in the house. Many individuals and families choose to create abudgetto help maintain expenses for the house, and to view how much money ente...
What? No electricity? I almost denied the idea immediately. But what better way is there to go green? After giving it a second thought, we decided to put in an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day. When we f...
Recommerce is more sustainable than traditional retail because the same item doesn’t have to be manufactured several times (which uses water, electricity, and emits CO2). Plus, when pre-owned items are resold to another person, it prevents the item from going to landfill. ...
Another attribute of porcelain is that it does not conduct electricity, and as such it is be used in the creation of insulators for electronic applications. It is possible that you have some porcelain inside your mouth, as dentists often use porcelain for caps and crowns. These life-like ...
Have household tasks, such as laundry and dishes, become exceedingly difficult? Do you notice your loved one leaving chores undone that they would normally do? Has caring for your loved one become detrimental to your own health/quality of life? Does providing adequate care feel like a task bey...
You’ll need to ramp up the disinfecting when someone in your household is sick. You’ll still focus on the high traffic areas but disinfect more often to lower the risk of passing on the illness. Most EPA-registered disinfectants for home use work fine to fight common viral illnesses like...
According to Ready.gov, one of the most important aspects of preparing for a power outage is having a proper inventory of household items. Homeowners and residents should make sure that they have emergency supplies including flashlights, radios, batteries and non-perishable foods. Anyone in the ...