It's a standard part of any medical visit. Someone, typically a nurse, wraps a cuff around your arm and asks you to sit quietly while the cuff squeezes to the point of discomfort, then slowly eases its grip. Some numbers get jotted down in your chart.
If one or both of your blood pressure numbers are too high, you may have elevated or high blood pressure; if one or both numbers are too low, you may have low blood pressure. While both numbers are important, doctors are sometimes more concerned with systolic blood pressure, especially if ...
What Your Blood Pressure Numbers Really MeanQ. How low is too low for the bottom blood pressure number, andhow high is too high for the top...Dr. Mehment OzcMichael Roizen
(continued)Lifestyle + Risk ReductionHigh Blood PressureBlood pressure is written as two numbers, such as 112/78 mm Hg. The top, systolic, number is the pressure when the heart beats. The bottom, diastolic, number is the pressure when the heart rests between beats. Normal blood pressure is...
"Doctors and nurses just assume you knowwhat blood pressure numbers mean," Bradley Ewing says. "They'd send us home with a monitor and explain what to do, but we still didn't really know what we were looking for. Is this high? Is this low? We were flying blind." ...
What is high blood pressure exactly? By pumping blood throughout the arteries with tremendous force, the heart pushes blood to the far extremities of every organ, from the crown of the head to the tips of the toes. Blood pressure is characterized as the actual pressure of the blood as it...
Hormones Birth control pills can also affect blood pressure. Women who take birth control pills usually experience a small rise in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the top and bottom numbers that are determined when you get your blood pressure checked). Hormone therapy used to relieve symptom...
Blood Pressure CategorySystolic mm HgDiastolic mm Hg High blood pressure (hypertension) 130 or Higher or 80 or Higher Elevated 120 or Higher or 80 or Higher Normal Less than 120 and less than 80 Low No range or No range What Is Considered High Blood Pressure (Numbers)? The American Heart...
How is high blood pressure built up in a glomerulus? How does high blood pressure affect homeostasis? What is the range of normal blood pressure and what do the two numbers represent? How does high blood pressure affect the kidneys?
High blood pressure is not a disease or illness in and of itself. It’s merely a risk factor for other problems. For instance, if you have chronic high blood pressure, your risk of having a heart attack or stroke goes up significantly. This high pressure could be caused by excessive plaq...